December 8, 2007

Congress: You mean you actually want us to do our job?

Senator Whitehouse's speech is worth noting because he is one of the few congressman besides Dr. Paul and Dennis Kucinich who may be realizing that they have a job to do and that they are not doing it at all. For gods sake, start enforcing the constitution. We are being abused by our government, and it is your job CONGRESS, to protect us. We elect you to serve us, yet you abuse us. Get to work.

November 18, 2007

Introducing the Ministry of Liberty

The function of this website is to post of news, events, people, and my opinions about liberty related issues.

My first topic, which will certainly be a dominant topic on this blog, is the upcoming 2008 presidential election. Media reporting on the upcoming election has been poor. Biased pundits and one sided reporting has been the norm, although things are slowly improving. In general mainstream media reporting has been unobjective with obvious bias towards certain candidates, with undesirable candidates being ignored or smeared.

Ron Paul stands out as the one candidate in this race who will follow the constitution, end the war in Iraq, end the war on drugs, phase out the IRS, and restore sound money. On November 5th, a supporter organized fund raising drive brought in $4.2 million dollars in one day, shocking pundits and Ron Paul supporters alike. Ron Paul has raised over 15 million dollars in already this year, he has tons of cash for this point in the election and he is in a prime position to take early primary states Nevada and New Hampshire.

Dr. Ron Paul is an obstetrician gynecologist who is also a Republican congressman from Texas. He has served 10 terms in the House and has an impeccable voting record. Ron Paul voted against the invasion of Iraq, against the Patriot Act, and he has voted against all bills that would raise taxes, violate the constitution, or undermine personal liberty. He believes in a small government that exists to protect liberty and not run the lives of the American people. He has never voted to raise congressional pay, and does not accept his lucrative congressional pension.

Dr. Paul is our best hope to restore the goodness in America and to restore our tarnished name abroad by bringing home all American troops from our over 700 worldwide military bases. American imperialism must stop. The constitution did not form an empire, it formed a Republic. The democrat controlled congress has failed to stop the war and shows a lack of commitment towards impeaching President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. The American people are tired of being lied to by those that they elect to represent them. While most of congress is busy pandering to special interests, Congressman Paul stands out as a man of principle that will not sell his honor for a quick buck. A true American hero is emerging, the Ron Paul movement is growing; Americans are listening to Ron Paul's message of peace, liberty, and honest friendship.